New plugin

Just installed a new WordPress Plugin called Marekkis Watermark-Plugin.

This Plugin will help me to upload some photos and let me insert a watermark.

Just to test it here’s a new photo…

kitty.JPG OurLittle Kitty 🙂

The only little prob with this plug-in is that it needs you to modify one of the WordPress core files, however it’s fairly simple to do and the mod is explained on the websites installation page. I just have to remember it’s there when I do an update so that if I have to overwrite the file I re-modify it…

My next project for this blog is a gallery plug-in – looking at one now but will post it another time..

Till then, enjoy!

8 thoughts on “New plugin

  1. Gorgeous little kitty!

    And a great plugin by the looks of it. My shots are not good enough quality to need watermarking 😉

  2. That watermarking is good isn’t it? I couldn’t even see it on the thumbnail so it didn’t interfere at all with the overall effect of the page. Did you choose where to put it on the photo or does it just insert itself?

  3. Lightening: Yes you can choose 9 different locations as left/center/right & Top/center/bottom. You can also set color, shadows and opacity. I’ve set center, black, 25% opaque.
    The plugin also allows a graphic watermark as well so you could put a real signature from a scanner in there as well.
    incidentally the gallery plugin has a very similar watermarking system, almost the same but less one or two minor features.
    Both also allow custom fonts that can be uploaded as well.

  4. Like the plugin. I change themes or at least play around with themes on a regular basis – still trying to find the ME theme – N E way – I have found that by keeping a notepad file of every code change I make makes it very easy to update new templates.

    If I add any code, I note in the file (bit like a diary). If I remove any code, I either remove the entry it relates to, or make a new entry.

    Saves a lot of time and frustration down the track


  5. Hi!

    And thank you for using my plugin! I hope you will enjoy the new version in few weeks.

    Best wishes from Germany,